Why Is My HVAC Thermostat in Recovery Mode in Chatsworth, GA?

You may think something has gone wrong if you look at your HVAC thermostat and it’s in recovery mode. However, this is a normal part of operation for a programmable or smart thermostat in Chatsworth, GA. Here, we’ll explain what recovery mode is and when you should worry.

What’s Recovery Mode in My HVAC Thermostat?

Smart and programmable thermostats are one of the best ways to save money on your energy bills. Once set, they will automatically adjust the temperature when no one is home or everyone is sleeping. That way, you’re not wasting energy keeping the house comfortable when it doesn’t need to be.

When you set your HVAC thermostat to reach a specific temperature at a certain time, it’ll make sure it reaches that temperature by that time. It takes more energy to blast the HVAC system for a short time than to bring the temperature up or down slowly.

The HVAC thermostat determines how long it would take to get to that temperature in the most energy-efficient way. Some smart thermostats can factor in the outside temperature, too. Your HVAC thermostat will read that it’s in recovery mode until it reaches your preferred temperature.

Should I Ever Worry About Recovery Mode?

If you notice your HVAC thermostat has gone into recovery mode when there’s no scheduled temperature change, there could be a problem. First, double-check that the thermostat is set correctly. If you’re not on your regular schedule, such as during a holiday, it may just be trying to stick to your normal work-day routine.

If it continues to go into recovery mode frequently, there could be a problem with the wiring or thermostat, or the HVAC system may be shutting down for some reason. In either case, you’ll want to call for repairs.

If you don’t already have a smart or programmable thermostat, it may be time to get one. If you’re ready to upgrade or need heating installation service, call Dalton Heating & Air.

Image provided by iStock

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