Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home in Calhoun, GA

The air quality in your premises is something that you cannot overlook if you want to maintain a comfortable home. As a Calhoun, GA, homeowner, you might have experienced some hot and stuffy days during summer. However, if the air quality doesn’t improve even in cooler months, you need to consider the following:

Let Fresh Outdoor Air Inside

Open the doors and windows on milder days to let the air flow freely in your premises. This is a natural way of getting rid of impurities in the air by letting fresh air inaisw. You could also introduce some houseplants to help absorb the toxins in the air.

Replace Air Filters Regularly

The state of your air filters greatly determines the quality of air that’s circulating in your home. Air filters collect dirt and debris from the indoor air, so if they aren’t regularly changed, the air quality will deteriorate.

Turn On Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans help improve the quality of your indoor air by sending contaminated air outside. If you have bathroom and stovetop exhaust fans, run them regularly to remove the unwanted fumes and moisture. This will help to avoid potentially harmful particles from accumulating in one place.

Turn On Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans help to improve indoor air quality by ensuring that the air is not stagnant. By stirring the air, it allows fresh air to come in and toxins to exit. You could also invest in a portable air cleaner to help in the process. In winter, ensure ceiling fans rotate in a clockwise direction. In summer, they should rotate in a counterclockwise direction.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Your HVAC system requires regular checkups and maintenance to ensure that it’s functioning properly. Some parts like the ductwork can affect the quality of air flowing in your indoor spaces, so be sure to regularly schedule inspections.

If you’re a resident of Calhoun, GA, you can consult Dalton Heating & Air for any HVAC-related issues. Our experienced service technicians are readily available to handle all your HVAC maintenance requirements, so call us today for service.

Image provided by iStock

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