How Landscaping Can Improve Energy Efficiency

Did you know that the way you landscape your yard can help lower your energy bill? If you live in a hot and humid area like Dalton, Georgia, well-designed landscaping can help reduce your carbon footprint and save you money on cooling. Keep reading to learn how landscaping can improve energy efficiency.

Use Plants for Shade

When carefully positioned, large trees and shrubs can help increase shade and lower the temperature in both your yard and home by several degrees. Fast-growing vines are another great way to cool your home. Set up a trellis, pergola or archway near windows and doors to help block the sun’s hot rays from getting into your house. Using plants and vines to cool your home results in less stress on your air conditioning system in the summer months and provides insulation against heat loss in the winter.

Prevent Microclimates From Forming

Avoid placing plants and shrubs too close to your home, especially if they need a lot of water. They can form microclimates that increase the humidity inside your house. Choose plants that are well suited to the local climate, and plant them in a place where they’ll get the right amounts of light and shade. Be sure to only water your plants at the coolest time of the day. As a result, you’ll prevent water loss due to evaporation.

Use the Wind to Your Advantage

Using windbreaks can help channel hot winds away from your home in the warm summer months. You can use trees and shrubs that have low crowns to block wind close to the ground. Along with a fence or berm, evergreen trees can help lift the wind over your house. You can also use landscaping to channel cool breezes toward your home, improving the efficiency of your cooling system.

Contact Dalton Heating & Air to find out more about how landscaping can improve energy efficiency. Our trained professionals can help you come up with a plan to improve your heating and cooling systems to save you money. Give us a call at 706-619-2799.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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