How HVAC Maintenance Benefits Your Household

Residents of Calhoun, Georgia, rely heavily on their heating and cooling systems to maintain a comfortable indoor atmosphere year-round. Taking care of your system is a must, especially if you want it to last and deliver efficient performance. Routine HVAC maintenance offers a number of benefits for your household and is one of the best ways to care for your system.

Better Air Quality

The air you breathe in your home can be more polluted than the outdoor air. Dust, dirt, pollen, pet hair, dander, and other debris can settle in the ducts and circulate every time you operate the system. As a result, members of your household might experience symptoms like congestion, headaches, and irritation of the eyes and throat. If you smell a musty odor, your ducts could contain harmful biological contaminants. One of the key benefits of regular HVAC maintenance is improved air quality.

Improved Home Comfort

Optimum indoor comfort is another benefit of routine HVAC maintenance. Our service technicians will thoroughly inspect the system and lubricate parts as necessary and make repairs. Additional maintenance tasks like regular air filter changes will also keep your home comfortable and reduce the risk of health problems. Keeping up with regular tuneups can ensure that the system delivers the performance your household expects and benefits they need.

System Protection

A well-maintained HVAC system is also more likely to continue to operate without breaking down or requiring expensive repairs. By scheduling annual tuneups, you can protect your heating and cooling units and reduce operating costs. Most HVAC equipment manufacturers estimate that furnaces and air conditioning systems will last about 10-15 years. However, these estimates assume that the owner is keeping up with maintenance.

Neglecting preventive maintenance usually leads to higher utility bills, frequent breakdowns, and early replacement. Avoid these headaches by taking advantage of our HVAC maintenance service. Call Dalton Heating & Air today at 706-619-2799 to schedule your appointment. Our service technicians will help you to get the most out of your HVAC system for years to come.

Image provided by Bigstock

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