How Clean Air Will Help Your Business in Calhoun, GA, Thrive

Do you know that excellent indoor air quality can improve the productivity of your employees? This blog discusses the benefits of providing fresh, clean air for your employees in Calhoun, GA.

Improves Decision-Making Skills

According to a study conducted by Joseph G. Allen, the assistant professor and director at Harvard School of Public Health, better air quality increases better decision-making performance of employees. This means that workers exposed to increased ventilation rates, low carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals tend to score higher in the cognitive function areas.

Allen’s research also proved that employees working in offices with improved indoor air quality make smart decisions in preparedness, planning and strategizing, especially in times of calamities. As an employer, you should optimize the quality of air in your business premises to boost productivity.

Enhances Employee Comfort and Health

Poor indoor air quality is the top cause of respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Indoor air contaminants such as dust and carbon dioxide disrupt your employees’ comfort and health, thus lowering production. However, installing ventilators and other air quality products in the office minimizes the risks of illnesses and discomfort.

How to Enjoy Clean Air in the Office

To improve IAQ in the office, both the management and the subordinate staff play a huge role. Maintaining office cleanliness is paramount since a clean environment doesn’t contain as many allergens and other contaminants. To clean the business premises, consider using cleaning products that don’t release harmful toxins into the environment.

You should hire professional HVAC service technicians to clean your HVAC system regularly. This is because clogged HVAC filters interrupt the airflow, which can cause the build-up of pollutants. As a part of regular maintenance, service technicians will change the air filters, preventing dust and other contaminants from finding their way back to the office space.

Contact Dalton Heating & Air to learn more about our HVAC services and air quality products. We’re happy to help you enjoy clean air inside your business.

Image provided by iStock

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